
Showing posts from March, 2020

Working from Home....?

Hello everyone! Anne here! How's everyone doing? I have been working really hard on social distancing, but knowing me, an Introvert, this is the exact area of studies that I would excel in! Amidst all this confusion and tragedy, I have found positivity! That is to excel in staying at home!!!  Anyway, I am home safe and sound and I hope everyone reading this is too! I just wanted to update that our research lab will be close (hence there won't be any research activity going on) until at least April 22nd. Unfortunately, May Commencement has been canceled, I am very sorry for all May 2020 graduates, we are in such an unprecedented time! I hope the future will hold better things for all of you. A simple tip on how to work from home and staying alive and healthy! 1. Practice self-care - shower every day, take care of yourself and pamper yourself! Work out if you can just to get yourself moving, so you don't feel cooped up! 2. Get a hobby! No, seriously, get one. It must

Lab Work

Hello hello~! How is everyone doing? Please stay safe at home and practice social distancing! Before the campus close, I (Anne) was able to start the synthesis of our RNT in house! The attached photo is one of the steps! We have about 14-16 steps in the synthesis of RNT and it was long! On the other hand, Jin and I (Anne) were able to compete in the SoE Poster Competition hosted by the SAGE Organization! It was nerve-wrecking! We had 3 minutes to explain our research and 2 minutes for questions! We were competing with other departments as well. The first prize winner gets $1000!! unfortunately, or unsurprisingly, we did not get any! This is because we were only on our 1st year going up against the 3rd year and above! However, this is a great time/ moment for us to practice our speech! :)